For the Culture...

The #1 Sneaker Market Place. Period Exclamation Mark. Thank the founder of Flight Club for this early days on Ebay, his original, all the flights to Japan and Asia, and for pioneering and showing corps streetwear has a major market in the states.

Royce has consulted on and off with Flight Club(Now aquired by GOAT) for over a decade. Royce Recently built the Consigner Payout Platform, Production-ized, DevOps. Built Flight Club Tokyo's Point of Sales App, managed app operations as well as help oversee a transition to in house team.

Taking Disney Global

Launched Disney to France, Germany, Thailand, Brazil, and over a dozen other countries.

Star Wars

I put together an integrated, "black ops" team working collaboratively with Disney to build Star Wars and Disney's scalable content management system.   

And a bunch more...  Best practices, team training, Big Data, high scalability architecture, Multi-million dollar accounts and helping to trim costs with scalable software solutions.